Sunday, March 29, 2020

I think in all the photos it looks like you struggled with the light coming in the windows.  Maybe need to adjust where your focus is.  It seems it made the all a little blurred also maybe adjusting your shutter speed would help.  Not sure what your settings were on.  I think that they are all interesting ideas but need a little work.  The angles are well done because they are all different POVs that we don't usually see. 

Friday, March 27, 2020

Project 5

Symbolic F/18 1/80 sec ISO6400

Document F/4 1/80 sec ISO 6400

Environmental F/20 1/80 sec ISO 6400

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Project 4 Part 2

Create Motion From Still Subjects (F/14 0.8sec ISO 6400)

Freeze motion with Flash and blur (f/29 1.6sec ISO 6400)

Wednesday, March 4, 2020