Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Proposal Test Shots and shot list

So my plan is to document a day in the life of my son Oliver who is 3 years old
Shots that I would like to include are
1) him sleeping
2) him eating breakfast
3) playing with cars
4)playing with his stuffed animals
5) baking cookies
6) greeting Daddy when he gets home
7)riding his bike
8) playing with Daddy
9) calling/facetiming someone on the phone

Project 6

Day in the life of  a 3 yr old 

Monday, April 6, 2020

Henri Cartier-Bresson

So I picked this picture because it is an interesting view of the world.  I love the kid playing on the railing with the barges behind him, moving equipment.  This kid reminds me of my son, playing and having the time of his life without a care in the world.  Although I would worry about him falling and busting his head or hurting himself.  Sometimes especially when times are difficult like today it is nice to look at the world through the eyes of a child for a moment.  It is a little less scary sometimes.  
 The contrast between the dark colors and light colors.  There is also a contrast between the playfulness of the foreground and the seriousness of the factories and barges in the middle and back ground. There are parallel lines between the railing, the kid, the shore line, the barges and the opposite shoreline.   The POV is a how most people look at the world, a eye level POV.   The patterns of the docks on the opposite shore are interesting.  The focal point is the boy.  

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Project 6 ideas

Life through hands
So take pictures of peoples hands through out their lives.   1st picture a kids hands then maybe two teenagers holding hands,  then a proposal picture, then a wedding day picture... etc all the way to an older couple holding hands.  I have a couple ideas of how to make this work but due to the virus it may be a little difficult but I am excited about this one the most. 
The second idea would be a day in the life of a three year old. 
 Being cooped up with my three year old gives me lots of opportunity to take his picture.  I will do my best if this is the proposal picked to get a good POV on these pictures as I know it is a project that has been done before. 

Sunday, March 29, 2020

I think in all the photos it looks like you struggled with the light coming in the windows.  Maybe need to adjust where your focus is.  It seems it made the all a little blurred also maybe adjusting your shutter speed would help.  Not sure what your settings were on.  I think that they are all interesting ideas but need a little work.  The angles are well done because they are all different POVs that we don't usually see. 

Friday, March 27, 2020

Project 5

Symbolic F/18 1/80 sec ISO6400

Document F/4 1/80 sec ISO 6400

Environmental F/20 1/80 sec ISO 6400

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Project 4 Part 2

Create Motion From Still Subjects (F/14 0.8sec ISO 6400)

Freeze motion with Flash and blur (f/29 1.6sec ISO 6400)

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Project 3 Part 2

Camera Flash f/3.5 1/200 ISO 6400

Interior/Exterior Light F/3.5 1/160 ISO 100

Interior Light F/4 1/40 (on a tripod) ISO 400

Reflections F/3.5 1/60 ISO 100
Silhouette F/3.5  1/1600  ISO 100

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Project 3 Part 1

Light and Shadow f/8 1/125 ISO 400 exposure 0

Late Afternoon F/3.5 1/2500 ISO 400

Diffused Light F/22 1/80 ISO 400

Bright Day f/ 3.5 1/1000 ISO 400

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Project 2 BEST

F/3.5 1/4000 sec. ISO 3200

F/3.5 1/4000 sec. ISO 3200 

F/3.5 1/640sec ISO 800

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Project 2

F/16 Shutter Speed 1/250 sec ISO 800 

F/16 Shutter 1/320 sec ISO 800